1·Pop stars often achieve fame at a young age.
2·Those who achieve fame often need to remain single to maintain fans` support.
3·Others said her death underscores the limits to which people will go to achieve fame and fortune.
4·Does he feel that he's now seeing young comedians achieve overnight fame without, in his terms, doing enough hard work?
5·You will need at least 212 Yagudo Necklaces in total to achieve Lv.4 Tenshodo Fame, which is the required amount for the Utsusemi: Ichi and Trial by Water quests.
你要总共至少212个项链,使番外声誉达到等级4这是(忍者忍术)utsusemi: Ichi和水的试验?
6·If all you want is fame, you'll give up your dignity to achieve it.
7·Inclusion of their music in these popular games has allowed previously obscure bands to achieve international fame, and veteran musicians to blast the ears of a new generation.
8·But research has shown that when people achieve their ideas of happiness (marriage, children, wealth, fame), they often are still not happy.
9·Rather than governing our city to achieve fortune, fame and a book deal, our candidate already has achieved fortune, fame and MOVIE deals.
10·If do "false" from the real wishes and mixed no fame, they can not only get social tolerance, but also can achieve social respect.